S-Crow acts as an independent and neutral party to the agreement between a buyer and seller or client and supplier. The agreed upon amount as per agreement between the parties is deposited into the independent bank account of S-Crow, who will ensure the funds are safe until the agreed upon date or action for payment has been reached. S-Crow will then action the payment (with buyer/client authorisation) as agreed with seller/supplier.

Our service is simple, no nonsense and commonsense system to protect the financial interest of all parties involved.


1. Client and Supplier reach an agreement on terms of service or sale.

2. Client and Supplier register for S-Crow Service.

3. Client transfer agreed amount to S-Crow independent bank account.

4. Agreed upon dates or actions are reached that trigger amounts payable.

5. S-Crow releases funds to Supplier as per agreed upon agreement.


When planning an event, clients can protect themselves against their suppliers going insolvent or disappearing with their money, and make sure the suppliers do not get paid until the agreed date; and in return suppliers can be sure their money will be safely held so they can be paid as per agreement for their services.

Planners can also use our services which reduces the amount of time they spend on reconciling and chasing payments between clients and suppliers. This means that they have more time to do the work they enjoy and specialize in!

When building or renovating, home owners can protect themselves against their builder going insolvent or disappearing with their money and make sure their builder does not get paid until the work has been properly completed; and builders can be sure their money is safely held so they can be paid in the intervals as per agreement.

We are an independent third party who can provide financial protection to both parties in various scenarios, including buying and selling products.


Our fees are charged per transaction (payment) and are calculated as a % of the value of the amount.

Minimum charge per transaction payment is R110.

Registration is free.

R500R20 0002,00%
R20 001R50 0001,50%
R50 001R100 0001,25%
R100 001R500 0001,00%
R500 001R1 000 0000,75%
R1 000 001R10 000 0000,50%


Reputable Banking Institution

Managed by
Chartered Accountant


Fair and
Easy to Use